Brampton Words for Wine book handover on International Book Giving Day I #wineforgood

"When you give someone a book, you don't give him just paper, ink, and glue. You give him the possibility of a whole new life." - Christopher Morley

For most, 14 February is Valentine's Day, a day for romantic dinners, roses and chocolates. But, DGB celebrated a different love, the love for books, by donating 150+ books on International Book Giving Day on the 14th of February.

Brampton Wine Studio in Stellenbosch ran their WORDS FOR WINE campaign, asking for a book donation in exchange for a glass of wine. With DGB's close relationship with the Wellington community, the Brampton team decided to send the donated books off to their happy new homes - the DGB Mobile Library, House Andrew Murray and a local old age home.

We got a peak of the DGB Mobile Library which assists 9 Wellington schools with homework, reading and computer skills. It's a friendly environment, kept in tip-top shape by the educators and staff running the programme. 

Pop into the Brampton Wine Studio soon as they will kick-off the next phase of their campaign - gathering stationery for the Wellington schools.

Cheers to #wineforgood and all the new stories that will be shared through the Words for Wine campaign!